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Best Home Field Advantage

bkochmc;624671; said:
Time for Thump to be called out again... '02 was the year of the NC... :wink: I'm sure that was just a typo but OSU did play @Wisky in both '02 and '03.

I always get confused if the title year is named by the year the National Title is played in or the season where most of the wins occurred.
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Oh, you guys were talking about actual WINS in the stadium. I was thinking along the lines of traditions, etc. etc. and came up with Notre Dame stadium, what with the likes of Touchdown Jesus in the background, and that little lepruchan sitting on the goal posts ready to bat away an opposing team's kicks. (Didn't work too well when we ran across the goal line, however).

The way 'the big house' (non-capitalization intended) is set up, the sound travels 'out' and not down. with the 'Shoe, all the people are looking down and yelling INTO the field, and not across and out. Not seen Penn Stadium, but that seems to garner a few voices (Athlon for one) for the 'toughest place to play' (although I think Kinnick would gain one vote because of the pink visiting locker room).

The Swamp, LSU, Rocky Top, anyone been to these places to see anyone play? I'd like to know if there's anyone in the Buckeye Nation that can give firsthand scoop on these venues.......Corso likes Blacksburg (Va Tech) because his car was hit by lightening (I wonder how we can arrange that if he puts on the Meatchicken helmet?).

I'll take the 'Shoe, thank you very much. :gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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