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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Tigertracker;1025683; said:
An interesting fact about Hester. The year he signed with LSU he was about the last signee. LSU's recruiting class at that point was rated number 1. When he signed he actually knocked our ranking down to number 2 because he was so lightly regarded. Just shows how inexact a science recruiting can be.

Yeah, like the time Ohio State signed some schmuck 3* ATH from Glenville in 03 I believe ....someone help me out with this guy's name...:biggrin:
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Tigertracker;1025553; said:
TS10HTW;1025492; said:
Tigertracker;1025475; said:
There are a couple of your items I would like to comment on. My opinion is not any more valid than yours, but it is my opinion.
Flynn is the starting QB because he is a senior with total command of the offense. He is not a great QB, but he seldom makes mistakes and when he does, it does not rattle him. Perrilloux is more physicaly talented, but less experienced. He has spent a considerable amount of time in Mile's dog house, because of off the field problems. He has had a bad habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. How does off the field decisions have anything to do with this game? They don't. Worst case is the QB position is a push.
I would give a slight edge to OSU at starting RB, although If I had a 3rd and 2, I can't think of anyone that I would rather have than Hester. I do think that LSU has more quality depth at RB than OSU, but you can only use so many during a game.slight edge but really this is a question of the running game in general and both teams can run, no doubt about it.
OL, OSU has had great success with their line, but I don't believe they can be compared. I don't recall any common opponents, and with all due respect, OSU didn't play a very tough schedule this year.The schedule we played so far has little or no bearing what so ever on this game either or how well either O-line is our "not very tough schedule" doesn't make LSU's O-line better, sorry it doesn't.
Steltz was used less as a safety and more as a deep linebacker for the second half of the year because of injuries to our defensive line, that is why it may appear that he was out of position at times. Steltz is a hitter no doubt I'd love him in Scarlet and Gray. Russell, Washington and Jenkins in no particular order...Advantage tOSU if for no other reason the deep pass has been defended very well all year and they all play well vs the run.
Coaching- You say "Tressel by a long shot" and you are entitled to that opinion, I would submit that it is impossible to compare them. What would the won/loss percentage be if they swapped opponents, we have no way of knowing. One thing is for sure though, by any criteria you wish to use, Miles has faced a tougher schedule at LSU than Tressel has, and has about the same record. As for Mile's handling of the Michigan job, you say he didn't handle it properly, what did he do wrong? He announced that he wouldn't talk to them until after the SEC championship game and that he didn't want to discuss it until then. It wasn't his fault that ESPN came out with their announcement on the morning of the game, and he had to call a press conference to deny it. I don't believe he deserves the "Wack job" comment.Tressell 3rd Division 1 National Championship appearance in 6 years. Big if not emormous advantage besides he whooped les in the Alamo Bowl in 2004.:wink2:[/quote]

How does off the field decisions have anything to do with this game? They don't. Worst case is the QB position is a push
Please don't put words in my mouth, I did not express an opinion on who had the advantage at QB. I was answering a question about why Flynn was the starter instead of Perrilloux and off field problems are a big part of it.
The schedule we played so far has little or no bearing what so ever on this game either or how well either O-line is our "not very tough schedule" doesn't make LSU's O-line better, sorry it doesn't.
Again you are trying to put words in my mouth, I made no claim that LSU had the better line. I said that I feel they cannot be compared, stats are useless unless the schedules are compatable or are against common opponents, and even then they are questionable.
Tressell 3rd Division 1 National Championship appearance in 6 years. Big if not emormous advantage besides he whooped les in the Alamo Bowl in 2004.
Please note that I compared the 2 coaching records for the time Miles has been at LSU. Tressel beating Miles when he was at OK St. has no bearing at all as far as I am concerned. If Miles had been coaching OSU and Tressel would have been coaching OK. St., what do you think the outcome would have been. OSU is the big boy in your state, OK. St. has to play second fiddle to OK, much the same as Mich. St. does to Mich. We did pretty well recently with one of those Mich. St. coaches, hopefully we will do well with this one.

OK I don't want to put your words in your mouth so...

How in the hell does that MSU Okie st comment make les any better of a head coach if someone else (Saban) had sucess at mSU and LSU??:huh:

It does not have one ounce of bearing on the fact that Tressell and tOSU staff get the nod.:biggrin:

This will be a great game and no matter how many of us agree to disagree:smash: it is ultimately decided on the field.:osu:
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How in the hell does that MSU Okie st comment make les any better of a head coach if someone else (Saban) had sucess at mSU and LSU??:huh:
I will type this slowly. If someone is the coach at a school such as Mich. St. they are competing for recruits against the bigger name school in their own state. This usually means they have a lower talent level. He may actually be doing a better job of coaching than the coach at the name school, but have a worse won/loss record. This seems to have been the case with Saban. LSU beat Saban's Mich.St. team pretty badly in a bowl game just before we hired him. He seemed to do pretty well after he moved to LSU and he had talent equal to the teams he played. I suspect that he may have done as well as Tressell during those years. Miles is in the same situation, he had a reasonably good record at a school that had to play second fiddle to OK and now he is coaching at the name school in the state and seems to be doing very well. Actually his record is better than Sabans at this point, with the exception of winning a NC. If you don't want to give Miles any credit because he played at Michigan, there is nothing I can do about it, but some of the comments I have read here about Miles are absurd. Everyone likes to think they have a great coach and Tressell's record at OSU indicates he is one. Miles record at LSU says likewise.
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OSUBucksfan09;1025832; said:
Well LSU does have the Ragin Cajuns to try and deal with and Tulane.
But don't forget OSU has 2 compete with Ohio, Akron, Kent St, Bowling Green and last but def not least, Youngstown St.
And UC to complete a list of in-state D1 schools.

But, more importantly, Ohio attracts recruiting interest from other Big 10 teams, from ND, from teams in the SEC (most commonly the Vols and Kentucky, though there was a certain RB on the UF team last year), others end up going as far afield as USC, or to Big 12 names.

Conversely LSU has to stave off everyone in the SEC - and you can add to that list.
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Tigertracker;1025821; said:
How in the hell does that MSU Okie st comment make les any better of a head coach if someone else (Saban) had sucess at mSU and LSU??:huh:
I will type this slowly. If someone is the coach at a school such as Mich. St. they are competing for recruits against the bigger name school in their own state. This usually means they have a lower talent level. He may actually be doing a better job of coaching than the coach at the name school, but have a worse won/loss record. This seems to have been the case with Saban. LSU beat Saban's Mich.St. team pretty badly in a bowl game just before we hired him. He seemed to do pretty well after he moved to LSU and he had talent equal to the teams he played. I suspect that he may have done as well as Tressell during those years. Miles is in the same situation, he had a reasonably good record at a school that had to play second fiddle to OK and now he is coaching at the name school in the state and seems to be doing very well. Actually his record is better than Sabans at this point, with the exception of winning a NC. If you don't want to give Miles any credit because he played at Michigan, there is nothing I can do about it, but some of the comments I have read here about Miles are absurd. Everyone likes to think they have a great coach and Tressell's record at OSU indicates he is one. Miles record at LSU says likewise.

I do believe les has used the last of saban's recruits this year right? The same group that has had more talent than the rest of the country year in and year out but has actually only won their first conference championship this year....as far as I'm concerned this has nothing to do with les being a scUM guy I could care less. He coached this talent to underacheive the last few years and I'm not real impressed with the job he's done this year either. Sure he won the SEC and that is no small feat but when you're one of the most talented teams in the country for the last three seasons and he's just now getting a shot at the NC?

Don't get me wrong LSU is a great team and they undoubtedly belong in the NC game, in spite of their head coach.

BTW thanks for typing slow too, it certainly helped.:biggrin:
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OSU has A LOT of competition for recruits up there. On my home PC, I have a pretty good map of the US with helmets in the location of the D-1 schools. There are a whole bunch more in y'all area than ours. To stay successful with that much competition, is impressive to say the least.
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TS10HTW;1025854; said:
I do believe les has used the last of saban's recruits this year right? The same group that has had more talent than the rest of the country year in and year out but has actually only won their first conference championship this year....as far as I'm concerned this has nothing to do with les being a scUM guy I could care less. He coached this talent to underacheive the last few years and I'm not real impressed with the job he's done this year either. Sure he won the SEC and that is no small feat but when you're one of the most talented teams in the country for the last three seasons and he's just now getting a shot at the NC?

Don't get me wrong LSU is a great team and they undoubtedly belong in the NC game, in spite of their head coach.

BTW thanks for typing slow too, it certainly helped.:biggrin:

OK, which is it. Do we have the most talent in the country, or don't we? Some of y'all have OSU on an even playing field with us talent wise, and couldn't really name too many of our guys that would start over y'alls. Are we talented? Hell yeah we are. Is there some enormous gap between us and everyone else? I don't think so. In all of the matchup threads about this upcoming game, everyone pretty much agrees that LSU and OSU are pretty evenly matched.

Anyone who thinks they should get a shot at the MNC evry year is delusional. In '05, we blew 1 regular season game, after all the commotion of the storms. Going into the SEC CG that year, we were sitting in the exact same situation OSU was this year going into that weekend. Of course, Georgia rolled us, but that doesn't change the fact that we were just as close that final weekend as y'all were.

Last year, our only 2 losses were to the National Champs and the only team to beat them.
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Nutriaitch;1025860; said:
OK, which is it. Do we have the most talent in the country, or don't we?
I'll revert to my former answer on this one ..

Before the season started I had LSU as the best balanced squad, with the best chance to win it all.

It has been a long and strange road - but the Bayou Tigers are where I thought they would be at season's beginning.

As for the most talent - probably not, USC would get that nod - but boy LSU does have the most Senior talent of good and great quality of any team I can think of this year.

BTW, if I were compiling a list of factors favoring LSU in the BCS Championship game, that factor would be top of my list, above the game being in the friendly confines of the Sugar Bowl. Experience is something that is priceless.
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Lol, I've almost given up defending Miles. He tends to make it hard to do. But I still think that 33-6 over a three year span speaks for itself. Throw in a SEC championship and a National Title game berth and I find it unbelieveable that everyone still bashes the guy. Say what you want about talent, in this day and age of parity in college football, averaging an 11-2 record each season isn't too damn bad.
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