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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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The officials are cheating, IMHO. I don't think they have flagged LSU once (well just now for intentional grounding, but even that the officials were reluctant). Let's examine the game so far.

1. Ohio State flagged for personal foul, when ostensibly the LSU ballcarrier was still in-bounds.

2. Ohio State flagged for personal foul after long offensive play. The call in question was never shown, so I can't comment on its veracity. Score was 10-10 at this point. Had this flag not been thrown, OSU likely would've scored a TD.

3. LSU has offensive play that gains several yards, setting up either a 2nd and 1 or 3rd and 1. There were at least two blocks in the back, so it should have been 10 yards from the spot of the foul (i.e. a 2nd and 17 or 3rd and 17), so LSU likely would have had to settle with a field goal attempt instead of a TD.

4. The poster a little above me noted another play where LSU was blocking in the back.

Come on, refs. Call a fair game.
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