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I'm applying to several B schools and will be in the market for a good laptop. I have heard good stories about MAC laptops......anyone care to chime in? I will be running Micorsoft Office and am not sure yet about the operating system? As you may have figured out, I am behind the curve on this stuff.

Any suggestions would be great.
I have heard good stories about MAC laptops

You will get lots of different opinions, but I cant say a good word about a Mac anything :biggrin:

Especially if you're needing to use basic stuff like office and whatnot, I would say you'd be much better off to get a windows laptop.

HP has always been good to me as far as laptops go.
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I am biased for a lot or resons but I use IBM. If you buy the right one it will be portable, powerful and come with a three year warranty. That three year warranty has saved my traveling ass more than a few times. They are expensive but most schools get a discount and there are some good deals on ebay from time to time.

When I was in B-school we ran some programs that simulated operating a company and it required Windows operating system. I know there now work arounds but you might check into what you will be using during the classes.
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I know Dell gets a bad name around here, but with the ~100 Dell Latitude notebooks that I administer, I've had one problem (CD drive that stopped spinning). No other problems to speak of.

No matter what you get, I would go with a 3 year service plan. Notebooks are a real bitch to troubleshoot and repair compared to a desktop. Also a lot easier to drop :)

I've seen tons of problems with Sony Vaio and Toshiba. No real experience with the HP's. The Thinkpads are generally pretty good too.
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IBM's are great...but unfortunately they are now Lenovo now owns the entire line and their homegrown products don't have a great reputation.

Dell's aren't nearly as bad as their reputation but the cases do tend to be made of less durable materials than some of the other brands. If you're rough with your equipment Dell probably isn't the best choice.

HP's business laptops have nearly as good a reputation as IBM's but my experience with them is limited.
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From what I gather nobody likes the Apple laptops!

I have an IBM X41 laptop for work.....the one with the touchscreen capability and think it to be too slow and sometimes get's stuck between sizable applications.

For the money which is better? Dell or IBM? Does Dell offer three year service agreements? I think Apple does?
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I just got an Acer Aspire3005WLMi and it's treating me well thus far. It came without any software (Thus, no Office), so it was less expensive, but it's got a lot of stuff in it.. DVD burner (CD too), 512MB Ram, 802.11b/g wireless, 80GB HD, clock speed of just under 2Ghz. 17 inch widescreen... maybe 15.. not real sure.

Edit: Oh, the price.. was 699 at Microcenter. The step down was 599 but was half as fast, and half as big (in terms of memory) and did not have the DVD burner. Like I said, it came without the usual 400 dollars of software they typically put on new computers.
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