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All I know is I'll be upset if that freemasonrywatch guy ever gets ahold of the plans for a certain hide out that doesn't really exist but if it did would no doubt be really really bizarre. (Since it doesn't exist, I shuoldn't even bring it up, but if it did, you know...)

As an aside, anyone interested in joining a secret society, be sure to be pay close attention to the handshake. Nothing worse than pledging aleigence to a creed and then having to do some lame ass handshake.
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Buck Nasty said:
I would imagine pledging allegiance to a group and being a member for your whole adult life, only to find out you worship Satan would kind of suck.
Spoken like a man who's never had to do some fucked up handshake.....

Case in point:

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Oh8ch said:
You have to add to your list the yahoo and his 'religious' followers who are protesting at funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq. His logic is that God is punishing the US for allowing gays in the military. With everything that has happened in and around the Middle East situatino God is focused on our policy on gays.


This cock sucking bastard protested at a couple soldiers’ funerals in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Smyrna </ST1:p</st1:City>I believe. When I heard of this I could not believe the extraordinary feeling of hatred that I instantly felt towards this man. Its one thing to protest against the war at a soldier’s funeral, I still don’t think it’s the right place, but the message of most people would be “Stop the war so others don’t have to share the fate of this great soldier”, or something of the like. This closet fag basically protests to say that god is punishing the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><ST1:p</st1:country-region>soldiers for fighting for a country that supports queers. Out of all the people killed every year in senseless violence I can’t see why this man can’t be one of them. Any person who were too kill this man and his cronies would walk if I was on the jury.
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I ran across this the other day while I was searching for something on google. It blew my mind that anyone was that stupid. I thought I would start a thread of all the dumb ass conspiracy theories that people come up with. Please post more, and don't in anyway think that I agree with any thing these fools have to say.


I don't want to copy and paste this into BP, because this garbage is not worthy of BP. This site argues that the U.S. orchestrated the Asian tsunami. It would be quite amusing if they were not serious.

I once saw a site that argued the the government orchestrated 911. It is really scary what people will believe.

Edit: Added per Oh8ch

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The comments on this one are something to behold. Some highlights:

Hillary Clinton was executed in 2018.
Justin Trudeau is also dead, along with a bunch of Hollywood elites.
Executions take place at Gitmo. LeBron James was also killed.
Trump is still the President, overseeing all of this stuff.

All will be "revealed" after "The Ten Days of Darkness", a period where all power and internet will be shut down and "the cabal" removed.

Get your popcorn ready, folks. :lol:
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