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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Can somebody put an 'Appalachian' on here, and switch the helmets? Thanks.


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buckeyesin07;1975678; said:
:lol:. What a clown.

WolverineMike;1975696; said:
you realize he was joking, right? I doubt they've even discussed a game that's 3 years away.

I think he was providing general commentary about your coach...which I agree with.

Should we start referring to "Michigan" as "Michigan State"? Then again, I don't know why we'd want to disrespect MSU in that way.
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WolverineMike;1975635; said:
I wonder if TSUN will play this up as a revenge game?

only the moronic fans will......(me NOT included)
You're saying only the REST of the moronic fans will treat this as a revenge game? Nice of you to diss the majority of UM fans.

You know you don't have to act like you are better than the typical Michigan fan while talking with us. You are among friends, we won't tell on you.
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MightbeaBuck;1976092; said:
You're saying only the REST of the moronic fans will treat this as a revenge game? Nice of you to diss the majority of UM fans.

You know you don't have to act like you are better than the typical Michigan fan while talking with us. You are among friends, we won't tell on you.

I will.
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