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anybody want a VHS of the 2002 National Championship?

ABC made a DVD of the '03 Fiesta Bowl shortly after we won that game, which almost every single Buckeye fan has atleast one copy. Thanks for the offer though! However, if it has some of the pre-game commentary on it, I'm sure someone would want it, as that wasn't included in the DVD.
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ABC made a DVD of the '03 Fiesta Bowl shortly after we won that game, which almost every single Buckeye fan has atleast one copy. Thanks for the offer though! However, if it has some of the pre-game commentary on it, I'm sure someone would want it, as that wasn't included in the DVD.

I kinda figured that myself. I will be doing the same if Texas beats the condoms.

mine does have the pre-game commentary on it.
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I taped the game on VHS and bought it on DVD a year later. I watched my 2 VHS tapes a week ago, not the game just the pregame and postgame. I forgot I had so much of that on there. I got the entire ESPN pregame, ABC postgame, ESPN postgame, ONN Postgame, the entire Sporstcenter the next day, and the NC celebration in the Shoe a couple weeks later. Some good shit there.
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I taped it, but thanks to way my ABC station looks on the cable here, its almost unwatchable. But I ended up buying the DVD. But my problem with the way ABC looks at my house still goes on. I hate it because I tape all of the games and on tape its already going to lose quality, but with the feed I'm getting at my house it makes it worse. Must be something wrong with the wires in the nieghborhood here. That is the only channel that has a shitty picture. That is why I hate when games are played on ABC. Which this year was almost all of them.
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