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Anna Nicole Smith - Dead and Stuff (MERGED)

LoKyBuckeye;745745; said:
they asked her mother how her daughter should be remembered and said "no matter if it was good news or bad news as long as she was in the news she was making money."

great family....

Yeah, then there's this creepy ass dude...

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Thump;745756; said:
It just kills Howard Stern that this guy has the same name as him.

This guy looks like one of the biggest hanger on lowlifes of all time.

Hopefully he dies soon as well.

whats funny is howard stern was joking about changing his name the other day so that way when the lawyer kills anna nicole and we find out he was responsible with the son's death people would confuse Howard with this douchebag.
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Thump;745694; said:
What was up with all of the wall to wall coverage?

Just another dead whore.

No kidding. Yesterday I received a Breaking News Alert via email from the Boston Globe. And I saw that it was on the front page of the paper this a.m., and I didn't even bother picking one up. Disgusting.
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The way he looks in that picture, he is definetly a candidate for the Tom Sizemore Memorial "Person I am Most Likely to Next Buy in my Death Pool" Award...matter of fact he almost kind of looks like Sizemore in that picture...same crooked "I have killed before and I will kill again" mouth and same "just woke up from a 24 hour Grey Goose and Percoset binge" eyes.
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OSUsushichic;745821; said:
No kidding. Yesterday I received a Breaking News Alert via email from the Boston Globe. And I saw that it was on the front page of the paper this a.m., and I didn't even bother picking one up. Disgusting.

I heard about it after I got to work last night. got home and was watching the local news and it was in teh first segment...was like wtf seems like more important local stuff would be going on.
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NFBuck;745349; said:
How long will we have to wait for the made for TV movie of her life?:roll1:

What movie? Here's the plot

Look, I take off my clothes.
Now I bang some old dude.
Now I am fat.
Now I am not fat anymore.
Now I am dead.
And no one cares.

That's not a movie, that's a 30 minute after school special on why it's bad to be a whore.
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OCBucksFan;745891; said:
What movie? Here's the plot

Look, I take off my clothes.
Now I bang some old dude.
Now I am fat.
Now I am not fat anymore.
Now I am dead.
And no one cares.

That's not a movie, that's a 30 minute after school special on why it's bad to be a whore.

You seriously underestimate Hollywood's ability to turn crap into a 100 minute movie.
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