I'll be there. Got my tickets sent to me yesterday (first time buying from StubHub-- Sec 416, Row 3, 10-yard line on OSU's side). Road-tripping the 2nd or 3rd with my best friend, who happens to be going to grad school at U of Arizona (OSU alumni). Staying with him near Tuscon, coming down and partying the day before until the day after. Gonna be the first away game I've ever been to, let alone a bowl game.
Still working on the details, but we will be definetly partyin somewhere. If people are meeting anywhere, we're game and we'll bring the booze. We're also bringing "The Victory Dance" with us too, just in case.
Still working on the details, but we will be definetly partyin somewhere. If people are meeting anywhere, we're game and we'll bring the booze. We're also bringing "The Victory Dance" with us too, just in case.
