HTTR Forever.
1. Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes, although with the population explosion I think we're down to 14. Regardless, have you had your 15 minutes yet and if so, what were they? I'm going to save a cheer leader and then save the world
2. Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life? (said, of course, in the non-acting goofy style of Fox Mulder from the X-Files pilot...) yup
3. Toilet paper: Over the top or down the back? down the back is communist
4. The light is red, it's 2 in the morning, there's nobody within miles...will you run it? No. I shoot the fucking thing
5. Do you believe Coke Classic is actually the same as the Coke before they came out with New Coke and reverted back to Coke Classic in a horrendously failed marketing ploy? Its actually RC. They lost the original formula
6. Star Wars, Empire, Jedi, Menace, or Clones? Revenge
7. What cancelled TV shows would you like to see revived? Dark Angel
8. What is that sticky stuff all over theater floors? Hey everyone. Best Buck doesn't know what the sticky stuff is.
9. Why do men have nipples? To pierce them. Duh
10. Have you ever tried to light your farts? Proudly, no
11. Have you ever tried to light someone else's farts? ummm no
12. Do you believe in love, or is all human attraction based solely on a selfish desire to get something--be it sex, money, comfort, or in my case, a good kick in the nuts? Define "selfish"
13. If you're a girl, have you ever kicked a guy in the nuts? How did you feel about it? Do you want to? :) I'll leave this for Bkb/Peach/FKA
14. If you're a guy, ever been kicked by a girl? Wanna send her my way? :) Yes I have. No I'm not sending you my sister
15. Do you think I'm a complete and utter whack ass bizarre perverted freak for asking questions 13 and 14? (The correct answer, of course, is YES.) My threshold for whack ass bizarre perverted freak is above that
16. Do you think Ozzy Osbourne is a washed up drugged out retarded freak; a Ward Cleaver for today's screwed up youth; or the self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness he used to be? Its obvious he's the devil incarnate, convincing people that its ok to be a drugged out retarded freak and still be a father
17. Speaking of Ward Cleaver, do you think June nicknamed her son Beaver in order to reclaim her failing love life in the two-bed asexual sitcom era? I think the big question is 'why was their last name a weapon of choice for serial killers?'
18. Speaking of asexual, do you think Bubbles gets cornholed by Michael while the Elephant Man's bones look down upon them? My threshold for whack ass bizarre perverted freak has been breeched. Well done.
19. Does that thought kind of turn you on in a slightly dirty sort of way? Be honest now. Bubbles is hawt
20. Can you seriously control your anticipation for the next edition of the Aardvark Sex Surveys?[/QUOTE]
I'd like to say yes but my ADD won'.... Cool. Its bedtime
2. Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life? (said, of course, in the non-acting goofy style of Fox Mulder from the X-Files pilot...) yup
3. Toilet paper: Over the top or down the back? down the back is communist
4. The light is red, it's 2 in the morning, there's nobody within miles...will you run it? No. I shoot the fucking thing
5. Do you believe Coke Classic is actually the same as the Coke before they came out with New Coke and reverted back to Coke Classic in a horrendously failed marketing ploy? Its actually RC. They lost the original formula
6. Star Wars, Empire, Jedi, Menace, or Clones? Revenge
7. What cancelled TV shows would you like to see revived? Dark Angel
8. What is that sticky stuff all over theater floors? Hey everyone. Best Buck doesn't know what the sticky stuff is.
9. Why do men have nipples? To pierce them. Duh
10. Have you ever tried to light your farts? Proudly, no
11. Have you ever tried to light someone else's farts? ummm no
12. Do you believe in love, or is all human attraction based solely on a selfish desire to get something--be it sex, money, comfort, or in my case, a good kick in the nuts? Define "selfish"
13. If you're a girl, have you ever kicked a guy in the nuts? How did you feel about it? Do you want to? :) I'll leave this for Bkb/Peach/FKA
14. If you're a guy, ever been kicked by a girl? Wanna send her my way? :) Yes I have. No I'm not sending you my sister
15. Do you think I'm a complete and utter whack ass bizarre perverted freak for asking questions 13 and 14? (The correct answer, of course, is YES.) My threshold for whack ass bizarre perverted freak is above that
16. Do you think Ozzy Osbourne is a washed up drugged out retarded freak; a Ward Cleaver for today's screwed up youth; or the self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness he used to be? Its obvious he's the devil incarnate, convincing people that its ok to be a drugged out retarded freak and still be a father
17. Speaking of Ward Cleaver, do you think June nicknamed her son Beaver in order to reclaim her failing love life in the two-bed asexual sitcom era? I think the big question is 'why was their last name a weapon of choice for serial killers?'
18. Speaking of asexual, do you think Bubbles gets cornholed by Michael while the Elephant Man's bones look down upon them? My threshold for whack ass bizarre perverted freak has been breeched. Well done.
19. Does that thought kind of turn you on in a slightly dirty sort of way? Be honest now. Bubbles is hawt
20. Can you seriously control your anticipation for the next edition of the Aardvark Sex Surveys?[/QUOTE]
I'd like to say yes but my ADD won'.... Cool. Its bedtime