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LGHL 6 new Buckeyes lose Black Stripes today, including 2 true freshman

Matt Brown

6 new Buckeyes lose Black Stripes today, including 2 true freshman
Matt Brown
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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That’s a good sign!

If today was any indication, practice has been going well for the youngest members of the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Per the school, six different players lost their Black Stripes, “officially” joining the football program. The six included four players from last year’s recruiting class: Damon Arnette, Joe Burrow, Davon Hamilton and Joshua Norwood.

These eight have earned the right to be called Buckeyes. pic.twitter.com/1rPM18wKm3

— Urban Meyer (@OSUCoachMeyer) August 13, 2016

Burrow, a four-star QB recruit, figures to be Ohio State’s backup quarterback this season, behind J.T. Barrett, so it is likely he’ll see some playing time this year. Damon Arnette and Joshua Norwood were three-star defensive backs, while Davon Hamilton was a three-star defensive tackle. Right now, the three defensive players are not projected to play major roles this season, but you never know.

Joining the four are two true freshman, linebacker Tuff Borland, and defensive end Jonathon Cooper. Cooper, an elite lineman prospect, could very well see playing time this season, while Borland might struggle to crack the two deep this season, given how deep Ohio State is at linebacker.

Cooper and Borland join fellow black stripe-less freshmen Austin Mack, who lost his all the way back in March, and Michael Jordan, who very well may start on the offensive line as a true freshman.

Don’t be surprised if many more young players lose their stripes in the next few days. With the Buckeyes losing so many players from last year’s team, they just might be actually serious about playing some freshman this year.

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