Jimmy Carter
Admiring my Peace Prize
One man's blog from Yahoo.
Admit it. As you've sat around watching a ballgame and heard yet another announcer try to shoehorn yet another awkward phrase into the game, you've wondered, how hard could announcing be? Sitting around talking sports for four hours? That's easy! Heck, we do that all the time at the wing joint for free!.........
Turn it off!: The 50 worst announcers in sports today - Y! Sports Blogs - Yahoo! Sports
Admit it. As you've sat around watching a ballgame and heard yet another announcer try to shoehorn yet another awkward phrase into the game, you've wondered, how hard could announcing be? Sitting around talking sports for four hours? That's easy! Heck, we do that all the time at the wing joint for free!.........
Turn it off!: The 50 worst announcers in sports today - Y! Sports Blogs - Yahoo! Sports