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5 weeks is enough to look at national rankings


I hate tsun
‘18 Fantasy Baseball Champ
Site Supporter: VIP
Buckeyes National Rankings as of 10/3 2004

Rushing #90
Passing #56
Scoring #62
Total O #84

Rushing #57
Passing #26
Scoring #37
Total D #31

Punt Returns #36
Kick Returns # 9
Net Punting #45

- We are in the bottom 25% at running the ball and just barely in the top 50% at stopping the run. Wisky has to be salivating. We have trouble stopping the run and even more trouble running it ourselves....very bad sign.

-Barely in top 1/3 of country in total D and firmly in the bottom 1/3 in Total O Bottom line is this years D isn't good enough to carry yet another shitty Offense.

-Great inprovement in Kick return games from 2003 but, as expected, punting is somewhat off. Again, Punting can't consistently bail out a shitty offense this year.

This Saturday is either redemption or a complete fall from grace for this team. Wisky is the perfect opponent to either finally show we can be physical at the LOS or have the question officially put to bed for 2004.
Sdgobucks said:
This game was either one of two things:

1. We got caught with our pants down looking ahead to Wisconsin.

2. We just are not that good this year. The real question this year has been is Ohio State Reloading or Rebuilding. Last night it looked like we were rebuilding.

I hope it is option Number 1. Last year we didn't play very well for our first two games after the bye week, and we didn't play well this year after our bye week. It could be that maybe JT needs to review his bye week activities and see if something needs to be changed. I would tend to believe it is a combination of the night game, 1st game after the bye week, and we were over looking what seemed to be an inferior opponent. I would like to see Wisconsin pay for their night game bullshit on Saturday. However if the reason for our loss is option number two, then we are in for a long season. We will see next weekend, because one thing is for sure, the buckeyes will be pissed, inspired, and at home, and they will not be looking ahead to anyone.
I agree as I stated in another thread, we will see if this was just a case of "look a head" or a case of "we are not that good".
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All you need to do is look at the results of our offense in 2001, 2002, 2003 and now 2004 to see that there is a problem. In 2001 everyone blamed it on Bellasari, and that had some merit. In 2002, the NC season, our offense was pretty sporadic, but fueled by a once in a lifetime Freshman running back who refused to go down. In 2003 we had a very veteran offensive team that ended up being one of the worse offensive teams in the history of OSU football. In 2004 we don't have the greatest offensive team. The line is young and our QB has no experience (whose fault is that?).

It is nice to be delusional and hope for the best. Unfortunately the trend has gone this way for several years now. If it continues, we'll lose more than the top QB recruit in the country (Mark Sanchez). Then Tressel will be jeopardizing himself. He needs to get rid of Bollman like cancer. I have no problems with JT, he is an excellent coach. I'm about 70% confident Bollman is fired at seasons end.
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It is nice to be delusional and hope for the best. Unfortunately the trend has gone this way for several years now. If it continues, we'll lose more than the top QB recruit in the country (Mark Sanchez).

OSU offense by ppg and total ypg

23.8 ppg
347.7 ypg





2004 ytd

Where's the trend? 5.9 ppg and 43.1 ypg is the largest variance I see over the past 5+ years.

Go back to Bucknuts and hold hands with Riptide if you want to post bullshit like that.
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As people will see in the preview, Wisconsin has no passing game to speak of at all and they don't score that many points, but they are still 5-0. Unfortunately, we walk that fine line of "doing just enough offensively to win" that we will cross the wrong way once in a while. We really only need an offense that takes care of the ball and can pick up some slack when the defense has an off night (like Saturday), which I think is more than attainable at this juncture if a few changes are made.
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