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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

stkoran;1841359; said:
I am also really curious why so many people think that Gene Smith was lying when he said that OSU didn't provide proper compliance education on this issue?

It's just really hard to believe that an issue as simple as this wouldn't have been covered. And it's not like they had to say much more than "You cannot sell championship rings, etc. We will get in trouble."

It seems like a black and white issue. You either told them not to sell them or you didn't. It doesn't seem like there'd be much grey area.

I'm not going to get into the press conference. I just think that's how people see it.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1841428; said:
I'm pretty sick of this high road stuff. If a judge sentences me to 2 years probation, I'm not about to insist I serve 5 years hard time instead.

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3074326;1841453; said:
It's just really hard to believe that an issue as simple as this wouldn't have been covered. And it's not like they had to say much more than "You cannot sell championship rings, etc. We will get in trouble."

It seems like a black and white issue. You either told them not to sell them or you didn't. It doesn't seem like there'd be much grey area.

I'm not going to get into the press conference. I just think that's how people see it.

Not only that, but it seems unlikely that the compliance department did not realize that athletes would face the temptation/opportunity to sell their uniforms, rings, etc.
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stowfan;1841449; said:
Agreed, If JT feels his players have been punished enough, I have no problem with his being man enough to say so, regardless of what anyone thinks.

Even more if JT thinks that the players are being excessively punished and should have the punishment reduced. Much like in professional sports when a player challenges a suspension and doesn't have to serve the suspension until the league rules on the challenge.
At least OSU won't lose any W's like is going to happen to Auburn once the whole sCam Newton thing works itself out.
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exhawg;1841542; said:
Even more if JT thinks that the players are being excessively punished and should have the punishment reduced. Much like in professional sports when a player challenges a suspension and doesn't have to serve the suspension until the league rules on the challenge.
At least OSU won't lose any W's like is going to happen to Auburn once the whole sCam Newton thing works itself out.
When the sCam Newton stuff comes out will the teams that lost to Auburn lose their L's as well?
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[quote='BusNative;184138;0]Ivy aid packages are need-based (no athletic or academic 'scholarships'), and require a host of paperwork to determine a student's family's household income to determine the amount of aid needed... that being said, going back about 8-9 years now, most Ivies (I think all, actually, but I haven't been keeping up) offer a shitton of aid to remain competitive with the other schools to attract the top students, athletes or otherwise[/quote]

In the past I worked with the local Princeton recruiter to get two of my athletes into his school. One as a track and football athlete and the other as a cross country/gifted art student. While both had solid academic records their admission was granted well in advance of the usual April announcement and involved the help and cooperation of the coaches at Princeton. Both received a substantial grant in aid package that all but covered room, board and tuition. In one case the family could not have afforded Princeton, in the other it was well within their financial means. The ivies are far more competitive than they look from the outside.
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MaxBuck;1841646; said:
I'm left wondering why you haven't been banned. This is inflammatory, uncalled for and insulting. Gene Smith is, after all, a Buckeye.

and yet respected posters agree with me when I make the comment. We're allowed to be objective. Nationally, that press conference is being mocked and not just for the embarrassing decision of our players to trade autographs and memorabilia for tattoos.

But maybe I'll hire a mod to sit next to me while I type so I don't break any future rules.
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How can you be embarrased by Gene? He's basically trying to get as much heat off the players as he can. He's willing to look like an idiot so the team has the chance to not suffer as much. I say well done Gene! And BTW I am new here and not sure if using the word "heat" while talking any Ohio sport is allowed because of LBJ. If it was bad then please forgive me and i wont use it again. lol
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