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360 NCAA12 Online Dynasty //// (Planning)

just curious what the time limits will be for each pick? I know I won't be picking tonight at this rate, but I have a phone interview with the Atlanta Hawks tomorrow morning, so If it happens to get to me around 9am tomorrow (or overnight) I obviously won't be picking til im done with that
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Bucknut24;1953819; said:
just curious what the time limits will be for each pick? I know I won't be picking tonight at this rate, but I have a phone interview with the Atlanta Hawks tomorrow morning, so If it happens to get to me around 9am tomorrow (or overnight) I obviously won't be picking til im done with that

Boy, they are suffering for players.... lol just kidding.. Hope your interview is great!
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maybe we can just do a few weeks of a test dynasty, Mac will be gone for what? 2 weeks I think? bama doesn't have the game quite yet

maybe try to advance 3 times a week or something so we can try to run through one quick, because as long as we're OC or DC's, games won't take long at all
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