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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio
We're from Ohio...O-H
We're from Ohio...I-O
O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio
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Man what a crappy last two games. 6 int in a loss to South Carolina(lol wut?) followed up with a loss to Arky.

Whoever is Florida or Statician on here, let me know when you want to play our game. I more than likely won't be able to play at all Wednesday but I should be good later tonight(after 10pm CST) and anytime Thursday night.

Going to try and get back on track with a big win. :biggrin:
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jacobbama;1926910; said:
Man what a crappy last two games. 6 int in a loss to South Carolina(lol wut?) followed up with a loss to Arky.

Whoever is Florida or Statician on here, let me know when you want to play our game. I more than likely won't be able to play at all Wednesday but I should be good later tonight(after 10pm CST) and anytime Thursday night.

Going to try and get back on track with a big win. :biggrin:

Nick Saban is not amused

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