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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Bucknut24;1862362; said:
feel free to spread the wealth guys :(

Im ranked 108th right now with 0 commits :lol:


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no worries on that, not that many people use it, Jwins likes to use ESPN for a lot of the user games he plays, Mac used Lou Holtzsh for a while, but I guess it didn't pump up his team enough, I created some1 but I can't remember who anymore :lol:

I might have to start using one since me and Mac seem to be building a nice rivalry here with the smack talk
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I would like to answer a few questions that has been going around these parts over the last few days...

I have a great relationship with Coach Mac over at Miami(OH) I do not hate him, why would I hate someone who doesn't know how to win? Our team is focused on FSU right now, but after we beat the tomahawk out of them then we will turn our attention to Miami(OH), it shouldn't be that hard to prepare for them, after all, we are 2-0 against them, I look forward to the challenge though, our boys are more than ready for this, and we will have a few tricks up our sleeves for this game. We look forward to playing in the ACC Championship game as well for the 3rd consecutive year, hopefully the polls won't screw us over again and if the right teams lose, we can play for a national championship finally.

Before I go I have one last thing, to all the kids I am recruiting, please come to Vanderbilt, this is quickly becoming one of the major football powerhouses, and will be a top 10 team for YEARS to come, so if you want to be part of some special history, so I ask you this..

Who ya wit?

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Bucknut24;1862386; said:
you 0-7 vs Users

Me 6-1 vs Users

That's right...


Jeez you just have your cake and eat it too. If I play Gomer before you, I'm going to let him win so I'll be winless up to you. You better watch out, Miami is a much better team offensively than years past. I may not stop you, but I can out score you.

Cute drawing
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