I'll confess. I've not even looked at ND all year. Didn't even see highlights of ttun vs ND from the first week. So, drunk (literally) on what shall forever in my mind be called "The, Damn..... that had to hurt.... Win" (much of which I missed because of a family issue.) I thought I'd turn on ND/USC after sliding thru the DVR of "The Win."
Both these teams look limpdicked. I'm no tOSU homer, I'm a Woody purist who despises the Meyer philosophy, frankly..... I seriously expected a loss today..... but the good guys of today vs this shit I'm watching, c'mon...... ND is slow, they don't command the LOS on offense or defense, really..... their passing is spotty, they are just not an elite program.
So there. Seriously...... #3? Uh, no.