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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Norvell for Gonzaga is just the latest in the line of guys who look like Jordan when playing OSU, and then look like 5-day old trash when playing against any other opponent. Dude went 8-18 from the field, including a blistering 6-11 (55%) from 3-pt land against OSU, and is a whopping 0-7 from the field and 2-4 on free throws tonight (including pathetic misses of both free throws near the end of the 2nd half).
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I think Kentucky will pull their game out.

Not so sure about Gonzaga. They could use Tillie's size tonight and he's not available, and they really dug a hole the last 2 minutes of the half.
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And, if FSU wins tonight, expect them to be the next in the long line of tournament teams to play waaaaaay above their heads the game before Michigan, and then looking like trash in the next round when they play Michigan. E.g., Texas A&M, who straight crushed UNC in by far their best game of the year, only to follow that up by playing one of their (if not the) worst game(s) of the year the next time out against Michigan. You beat UNC by 21, and then lose to Michigan in the next round by 27? GTFOH, you effing amateur-hour program.
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And, if FSU wins tonight, expect them to be the next in the long line of tournament teams to play waaaaaay above their heads the game before Michigan, and then looking like trash in the next round when they play Michigan. E.g., Texas A&M, who straight crushed UNC in by far the best game of the year, only to follow that up by playing one of their (if not the) worst game(s) of the year the next time out against Michigan. You beat UNC by 21, and then lose to Michigan in the next round by 27? GTFOH, you effing amateur-hour program.

Dammit houston...u had ONE job
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Norvell for Gonzaga is just the latest in the line of guys who look like Jordan when playing OSU, and then look like 5-day old trash when playing against any other opponent. Dude went 8-18 from the field, including a blistering 6-11 (55%) from 3-pt land against OSU, and is a whopping 0-7 from the field and 2-4 on free throws tonight (including pathetic misses of both free throws near the end of the 2nd half).

Size matters.

The Buckeyes didn't have much this season and he could shoot over his defender. FSU is longer in many positions. He's not getting the same looks. Hachimura had his best game of his career against us too, for similar reasons.
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We're getting closer to Kansas State, Loyola, and Florida State being the only obstacles to scUM playing in the national championship game. :argh:
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