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2016 CFB Week 4 Open Thread

Man Sparty is done... They've pushed away from the table.

BTW that last int he had a guy WIDE open running from left to right into the end zone. That WR was pissed!

I see major flaws in all top ranked big ten teams besides osu. MSU, SCUM and Wisconsin all lack play makers out wide and a QB who can get the ball to playmakers. Just don't see how these teams can beat us by just pounding the ball.
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We are now really getting an idea about what teams are really like. Ohio State looks very good, but Oklahoma may not be the great team expected this year. TSUN not yet tested and surely not looking like the #4 team in the country. Iowa hardly the powerhouse they were touted to be preseason. Sparty very much looking like the rebuilding year that was expected. The Sparty victory over Notre Dame looking less impressive. TSUN will be looking at Wisky through new eyes. Nebraska still a bit of an unknown entity. Purdue trying its best to lose to Nevada.

Of course, if it weren't for those crooked B1G refs, it would be Penn State's championship to lose--JoePa coaching from heaven and all with a boy choir singing behind him.
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this wisconsin QB is good man...
Honestly he's just having a great game. His motion is slow and he is threading the ball in there on tightly covered WRS. Just not sure if he can keep this kind of performance going all year. Particularly against a secondary who is known for interceptions like ours.

MSU keeps trying to swat the ball away... I see our guys muscling in front to take the ball away. Take away fumegali and they don't have much.
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