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2016 CFB Conference Championship Week Open Thread

Cheer up, Michigan. With this drubbing USC will likely jump Colorado and go to the Rose Bowl, where they'll push the Wolverines stool in with no lube.

Harbaugh bringing back all of Bo's traditions!

As much as I'd like to revel in that Rose Bowl tradition...don't you think the winner of Wiscy/PSU will jump tsun and go to the Rose? (Didn't think SC would jump CO until tonight though).
Highest ranked doesn't go to the rose bowl. Conference champion goes to the rose bowl. Ttun has zero chance of going. So it's wisky or the pedsters that are going to get reamed by USC with no lube.
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How much weight does a beatdown of VT hold? Can't be much more than our throttling of Nebraska. If Oklahoma and wiscy lose, then I could see that happening. I think we're pretty much locked in at 2
i agree that it would be hardly any different than our dismantling of nebraska, but it would still be a conference championship game during a weekend when ohio state is not on tv. and as noted already, moving up clemson and washington would appease the crowd crying that conference championships must account for something, which they should.

my opinion still stands, however, that ohio state appears better than washington while absolutely having a better resume. today's game hasn't changed that.
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I think he sounds like a televangelist.


I don't like PJ Fleck, or people like him, one fuck.
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