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2015 Sugar Bowl Less Civilized Thread (Arguments/Shenanigans)

A) This statement itself seems rather passive-aggressive and indirect? If you want change, just say it outright.
B) I agree and said as much

I don't think he's instigating at all.
However how am I supposed to take his declarative statements seriously when he says something like "Miss St. has a great run game", and then in the very next post doesn't know who their feature RB is ??
How would you like me to respond? At first I thought he and beau were vacillating to avoid the discussion. And certainly the latter was part of how we ended up with split threads as Mili stated outright in the shenanigans thread.
If you wrote a post about Michigan having a great QB, and then repeatedly asked who Gardner was... I'm pretty sure some people would be astounded. That deserves some criticism for intellectual dishonesty and trying to bs everyone.
My last post on this. I wrote about three teams that had good running games. Running games aren't just running backs. Again three teams.

You responded with one common name. We have an OT named cam robinson, but it didn't seem like he would fit, but he is part of our running game. I got confused. Sorry.

Three teams. Running attack, not running back.

Sorry I'm stupid. Can we move on?
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Obviously I'm not Josh, but presumably you should respond like a rational adult and refrain from attacking semantics and being hyper-pedantic when simply reading between the lines, asking for clarification or refraining from unproductive conversation would suffice.

Much like I am prepared to now do.

How's that $100 donation going? Last I checked FSU didn't finish #1.
Please don't speak to me about rational adults.
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Maybe I should have been more blunt, Lord knows I am no stranger to chasing arguments and squabbles. I just think the conversation became extremely aggressive and antagonistic for no apparent reason, and one of the targets of this has bent over backwards to avoid antagonizing anyone.

Wow. Just wow.
Fulfilling some stereotypes right now.
This seems extremely unnecessary and harsh

As does this
Again whatever makes you feel better. All you guys got is conference crap and excuses. We'll just have to see what happens.

If you're going to use stats, don't get pissy when stats don't show what you want them too. There are lies, damned lies and statistics.
the point being made isn't a bad one. How it is made is very antagonistic and being hurled at someone who is hedging his posts admitting that reasonable minds can disagree and that it's hard to draw firm conclusions.

With how the last few pages have gone, you would have thought Altie or Bamu was back.
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Just out of morbid curiosity, what does my donation have to do with your terrorizing these boards?

And now I'm a terrorist?
The relevance would be in your claims about who is and isn't a rational adult.
Personally I don't value the input of a bald-faced liar. If you're going to follow me around to every thread complaining about your imagined slights, at least have some integrity.
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lol I can't stop laughing.

Honestly none of our Bama' posters (now that "welcome to big boy football" is gone) have said much to insult or to poke the coles. Sure there's some arguing and rationalizing but hell so have I and so have many of us. We are all looking for ways our teams will have the advantage and for some metric on how this game will play out. As I've said before you guy's have been great and it's been a lot of fun.
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lol I can't stop laughing.

Honestly none of our Bama' posters (now that "welcome to big boy football" is gone) have said much to insult or to poke the coles. Sure there's some arguing and rationalizing but hell so have I and so have many of us. We are all looking for ways our teams will have the advantage and for some metric on how this game will play out. As I've said before you guy's have been great and it's been a lot of fun.

Just want to re-iterate this to our Bama visitors.

Don't let the few poor sports we have here on our board ruin what many you came here for, some good natured ribbing and discourse with some opposing fans.

@kujirakira in particular is trouble for everyone, so don't take it personally.
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