WhoO WhoO WhoO!
Let's break this down right here:And Bama will still beat the suckeyes as bad as they did mizzu...
Capitalizing the B in "Bama" shows a crude grammatical understanding of how to designate importance that is not continued with the spellings of "suckeyes" and "mizzu".
This can be assumed as an insult, and seeing as the letter "o" was omitted from the colloquial nickname "Mizzou", for the University of Missouri, we may also surmise that even less care is given to this particular entity as an effort to accurately spell the name was clearly not made.
One would also be remiss to overlook the very clever replacement of the "B" in "Buckeyes" with the letter "s" to change the meaning of the first half of the word to something derogatory and meaning "bad". This is surely a monumental achievement of the English language as no other member of the human race has ever made that correlation before in an inflammatory fashion.
Either that, or some backwoods fuck with too much time and not enough moonshine decided to stop masturbating to fat-chick porn (NNTAWWT) long enough to smash his jizz and cheeto-dust covered fingers on his keyboard in an attempt to "communicate" with the outside world.
It's really anybody's guess.