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2014 NFL Divisional Playoff Week

This for real??

Manning and Brady never won the Heisman. rivers didn't, Kaepernick didn't. Newton did and lost. Troy Smith will never QB in the playoffs. Crouch was a safety in the NFL. Jason White ( :lol:), Vince Young is done in the NFL.

I could see it going back to Jim Plunkett. I don't think flutie ever won a playoff game and I'm certain guys like Gino Toretta and Vinny didn't either.
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Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same game as others... Indy is going to need a dominant defense to win super bowls with Luck.

Luck has a very mediocre ground game - inconsistent and leaky Oline, revolving door at receiver and a defense that has issues reminiscent of when Manning was around (i.e. stopping the run)

You could say the same thing for Brady - whom hasn't won a Super since New England went away from being a running team with a great defense.
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Luck has a very mediocre ground game - inconsistent and leaky Oline, revolving door at receiver and a defense that has issues reminiscent of when Manning was around (i.e. stopping the run)

You could say the same thing for Brady - whom hasn't won a Super since New England went away from being a running team with a great defense. Videotaping the other team

FIFY :biggrin:
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Luck has a very mediocre ground game - inconsistent and leaky Oline, revolving door at receiver and a defense that has issues reminiscent of when Manning was around (i.e. stopping the run)

You could say the same thing for Brady - whom hasn't won a Super since New England went away from being a running team with a great defense.

When was the last time Brady threw 4 picks in a playoff game? Not really a comparison there.
There's worse out there (see Weeden), but he'll never be able to do what Peyton did in Indianapolis. Luck will need a sick defense to win a Super Bowl.
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Back in 2009 or 2008, yes... never 4 though.
It's rather laughable to equate Luck to Brady.

edit: I have... never mind

double edit: It was 2010 against the Ravens. And what does year have to do with anything?
Fact is - Brady has had some very subpar games. All QB's do. Luck, for the lack of talent around him, has shown great poise and ability as a young QB. Attempting to argue that much is pure comedy.
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Oh I'm not going to lie, I'd take him in Cleveland.
But already giving him Super Bowls and making him out to be Tom Brady?? Uhh.... not buying that, ever.
edit- i think some people have spent too much time listening to cliche machines like Mel Kiper
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Oh I'm not going to lie, I'd take him in Cleveland.
But already giving him Super Bowls and making him out to be Tom Brady?? Uhh.... not buying that, ever.
edit- i think some people have spent too much time listening to cliche machines like Mel Kiper

Do you even remember how the Patriots won their SuperBowls?? Brady had ONE, clutch drive to give Vinateri the field goal.
Beyond that, they were a team that opened with the running game and worked off that. Corey Dillon having a career 04'
year and that defense is the big reason the Pats got by the Colts.
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When was the last time Brady threw 4 picks in a playoff game? Not really a comparison there.
There's worse out there (see Weeden), but he'll never be able to do what Peyton did in Indianapolis. Luck will need a sick defense to win a Super Bowl.
He has already broken records, had better seasons than Peyton did starting out, and led his team to playoff births in his first two seasons. They beat Denver, Seattle, San Fran, and KC twice this year. As has been stated by others and myself in this thread the team has a lot of needs. Personally, I think he will be better than Manning. If he walked into what Wilson walked into at Seattle, Katy bar the gates...
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Oh I'm not going to lie, I'd take him in Cleveland.
But already giving him Super Bowls and making him out to be Tom Brady?? Uhh.... not buying that, ever.
edit- i think some people have spent too much time listening to cliche machines like Mel Kiper
No, I just live in Indy and watch the Colts.

He has prototypical size, smarts, arm, and mobility. He is the next great NFL QB. More passing yards in his first 2 years than any other QB. I won't anoint him with Super Bowls, that's crazy. It takes a lot to be a Super Bowl champion. But Luck plays winning football and is a really good quarterback.

Yesterday was a rough one for him. It's year 2 of a 15 year career.
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