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2013 Week 14 CFB Open Thread

I honestly don't know hoe people watch this [Mark May]. I've been watching for five minutes and I'm already tired of it. I mean every play involves the greatest fucking player ever to play his position with these two. I almost wish the BIG network would hire them so we can here how amazing Indiana vs Purdue is.

It's like watching an old WCW broadcast. Every match was "History will be made" or had some tie-in to some obscure international thing or something.
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...though what? What is so impressive about FSU? They ran through the ACC? Duke is playing in the ACC title game. That's the awesomeness of the ACC. Miami? They lost to Duke. Florida? Everyone beat Florida this year. Oh, I know, Clemson. The Tigers are routinely rated high and always fail to live up to the hype. Business as usual.

They can sling it like nobody's business... and our defense cant cover to save their lives. i feel a lot more confident putting strength to strength against 'bama, and at least being able to stop the run.
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FSU passes the eye test better than anyone. I'm not convinced they're unbeatable, but I'm convinced they are the most well-rounded team in the country. They have an NFL caliber WR, a true freshman Heisman candidate QB and the fastest D I've seen on the field this year.

To say they're not impressive would be a slight.
Agree with this. 2nd in points for and 2nd in points against. They have a good team.

Hyde and Braxton can win just about any game. But the secondary could lose any game. Bama wouldn't present near the passing challenge.
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