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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

Buckeye Nut;2206734; said:
Have to say I'm kind of on Woolfolk's side on this one. Spartan players need to keep their mouths shut, they didn't fare any better against Bama. In fact, they got beat much more soundly. They better come out on top in a few weeks in Ann Arbor or they're going to regret those tweets.

How many MSU fans were saying they were going to get the Heisman AND National Championship?

How many scUM fans?
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muffler dragon;2206750; said:
Then it must be the transitive property that you're basing your statement on, correct? Otherwise, there's zero relevance to TSUN playing Alabama this year and MSU playing Alabama in a different year.
That's part of it. MSU players have no room to talk when it comes to playing Bama, especially guys that were tweeting that don't even play. Plus, antogonizing your rival is never a good idea. Stay quiet and do your talking on the field. Let the other team talk if they want. I always liked how our players were much quieter during Michigan week under Tressel than under Cooper where it seemed every year you had somebody providing bulletin board material. The fact that Danontio publicly came down on players and called them out for not even being on the depth chart is proof enough that it wasn't an intelligent thing to do.


Mark Dantonio
“It’s ridiculous,” Dantonio said at the time. “It’s a reflection on all of us.”

“I didn’t see much different when we played the University of Alabama a couple years ago, it’s tough,” he said. “Our guys need to keep their mouths shut … especially those that aren’t even playing.”
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buxfan4life;2206762; said:
Who gives flying fuck what sparty has to say about scUM?

They are both schools from that state up north that got their asses handed to them by Bama. Does it really matter who got a better ass kicking?

Fuck 'em both.
Perhaps we can all coalesce around the following summary:

1) Players from UM and MSU should, in their own interest, shut the hell up. And,

2) Nobody else particularly cares either way.
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Right or wrong... both Sparty and Scum are bitching about whose ass got plunger raped by Bama worse. That in itself cracks me up. If that's not the mentalities of two LOSER teams, I don't know what is.

Sparty: "I know we got curb-stomped in our bowl game, but Bama just went absolutely hay-knuckle on your asses on national TV."

Scum: "Oh yeah, well, you were losing by more points than we were when they dismantled you!"

Sparty: "No way, you suck more"

Scum: "Nuh-uh... you do!"

I think you both suck a big bag o' dicks. Losers.
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Buckeye Nut;2206734; said:
Have to say I'm kind of on Woolfolk's side on this one. Spartan players need to keep their mouths shut, they didn't fare any better against Bama. In fact, they got beat much more soundly. They better come out on top in a few weeks in Ann Arbor or they're going to regret those tweets.

MSU folks aren't talking shit about Bama though, they're talking shit about M*ch*g*n, who they have beaten four straight times. If you lose four straight times to somebody, you also lose your right to a comeback when they talk shit about you. You would think M*ch*g*n Men would be well-versed in how that works by this point.

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jlb1705;2206783; said:
MSU folks aren't talking shit about Bama though, they're talking shit about M*ch*g*n, who they have beaten four straight times. If you lose four straight times to somebody, you also lose your right to a comeback when they talk shit about you. You would think M*ch*g*n Men would be well-versed in how that works by this point.

And the MSU folks should keep quiet. Listen to your coach Sparty players. It sure wouldn't look good for you if you can't beat that QB from Michigan that you spent so much time talking trash about.
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