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2012 TSUN shenanigans and arguments

I saw this clip and couldn't help but think of gradychoke thinking he's on top of the world after JT got fired..and then UFM shows up and tells him how things are really going to happen.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKMCSYWsjBQ&feature=related"]Chubsy Ubsy - YouTube[/ame]:biggrin:
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Jaxbuck;2110175; said:
In case our friends up north didn't know, that would be Urban choking the fuck out of you to win a game of checkers.

Based on the selection of athletes in the pictures at the bottom, it might be a not-so-subtle jab at Mr. Johnson in Happy Valley as well.
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darbypitcher22;2110230; said:
Sports Movement..

Couldn't that be classified as Kinesiology or Exercise Science?


I know it's a running joke around here, but some kinesiology/exercise science programs are quite rigorous.

I advise Exercise Science students for a living. My institution just overhauled their program a couple years ago and made it much more rigorous. It went from a recreational focus to students assisting with research and preparing for advanced study. The people I work with now in this major are challenging themselves more than the typical college student does.
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jlb1705;2110273; said:

I know it's a running joke around here, but some kinesiology/exercise science programs are quite rigorous.

I advise Exercise Science students for a living. My institution just overhauled their program a couple years ago and made it much more rigorous. It went from a recreational focus to students assisting with research and preparing for advanced study. The people I work with now in this major are challenging themselves more than the typical college student does.

We have been down this road before. Do you believe they are funneling most football athletes into the School of Kinesiology for a rigorous major that is harder than average?

Or is it apples and oranges when comparing undergrads pursuing medical fields via Kinesiology to what UM football athletes study?

There is a reason so many of them are enrolled in the school of Kinesiology , often without or before declaring a major.

I do not harbor any delusions that OSU is free of "stay eligible" academic paths, but then they do not fancy themselves as the Harvard of the Midwest
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jwinslow;2110282; said:
We have been down this road before. Do you believe they are funneling most football athletes into the School of Kinesiology for a rigorous major that is harder than average?

Or is it apples and oranges when comparing undergrads pursuing medical fields via Kinesiology to what UM football athletes study?

There is a reason so many of them are enrolled in the school of Kinesiology , often without declaring a major.

Well, first of all four students is hardly "funneling". That may be what they were doing at one time, but that's not what is reflected in the numbers on that chart.

Sports Management is not kinesiology. It's probably more business, marketing and PR than anything else. Don't be fooled by the name of the unit it's housed in - that is subject to a lot of different factors within the institution and sometimes programs end up in places that aren't very congruous to what they're doing. For instance the kinesiology programs I advise for are housed in the College of Education & Human Services alongside teacher education and social work, among other things.

I did get curious and look at what they are requiring in their program. It looks similar in many ways to the Exercise Science program that I advise for. The main difference I saw was that UM's program does not seem to require as many upper-level kinesiology courses, and has a greater emphasis on cognate electives. That's the kind of thing where the program can be made as easy or as difficult as the student chooses.

Also, I can't speak for any changes they may have made in the past. If they did make changes it may account for the number of students not being as prevalent in that particular major as it once was. To me, four students is not a big deal and not really a red flag.

To me General Studies is where their issue really is. I bet the four students that are doing Sports Movement or Movement Science or whatever are doing more academically than the bulk of those General Studies students.

Also, I wonder how many of these 24 in General studies are currently in their sophomore year or later...
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