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Unfortunately the media will spend the rest of the time(167 days) till kick-off, with negative comments about Tressel, which comes up on every TV Sports broadcast or talk show. To them Tressels "additional" sentence of 3 games more is a true admission of guilt....it will get interesting as we get into the fall practices and line-up solidification wiht missing players....I personally don't think the Buckeyes will miss a beat, cranking out 5 victories. The Bruce Pearl firing yesterday seems to have throw additional fuel on the "Tressel Haters" fire!
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Bigjimmie;1895827; said:
Unfortunately the media will spend the rest of the time(167 days) till kick-off, with negative comments about Tressel, which comes up on every TV Sports broadcast or talk show. To them Tressels "additional" sentence of 3 games more is a true admission of guilt....it will get interesting as we get into the fall practices and line-up solidification wiht missing players....I personally don't think the Buckeyes will miss a beat, cranking out 5 victories. The Bruce Pearl firing yesterday seems to have throw additional fuel on the "Tressel Haters" fire!

It's all a done deal now. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened.
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I agree, the most likely outcome this fall is that we open the season with five straight victories. As Calipari would say, they (Akron, MSU, etc.) don't just want to beat us, they want to be us!

Maybe not Miami so much, but the other four? Yeah.

If we lose more than one game next year, I will donate $100 instead of $50 at the 2012 Spring Drive...
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