jwinslow;1200981; said:
You didn't really answer my question, Mr. Lawyer :p.
As the Latin phrase goes: "You didn't answer first poo-poo head thhppt!!!"
Do you find that Florida's standards and academics are a good barometer for what you'd find at other schools in your conference?
Honestly, I have no idea about any institution but the one I went to and follow. I mean, I'm not screaming that what you say is not so, as much as asking you to substantiate your claim that "
a large chunk of the SEC takes a number of kids that may not pass NCAA standards."
C'mon man - put up or shut up; your words, not mine.
Are you denying - or sidestepping - the trend of over signing in the SEC conference?
Since you only bring this up now, I am doing neither.
I guess I can try and find a link tomorrow morning for you, but Slick Nick himself just got done signing 6 more kids than he had spots for, and I believe 3 of them did not qualify. This is a pretty well known trend in the south.
Again, over signing is a topic that would be interesting to explore. But I admit to being confused about how over signing (which Nick surely does) has to do with lowering of admissions standards by the SEC, since under any change the kid still has to meet NCAA minimums. By "takes", I thought your referred to qualified to play at a school. I mean, who gives a shit who does not qualify? Your comments were addressed to kids being accepted into SEC programs, unless I missed your point... which we both might have...
You see, the article has to do with lowering admissions criteria - who could be accepted. Who you sign that cannot qualify is an entirely different subject. I mean, true, if you signed 23 non-qualifiers you would be in a world of hurt. Admissions standards being lowered to the NCAA minimum does not equate to prior SEC classes not meeting NCAA minimums - if anything it would mean that more of the kids were better academic risks. And as I have not heard of SEC teams having a history of suffering a depleted numbers of athletes due to academics, that is where you may be going with the over=signing.
I was more so expecting you to argue those non-qualifiers exemplify the standards you hold. I don't pretend like the b10 is only admitting strong students. I was merely commenting on a trend I've observed over the years with regards to at risk signees.
Is Hargrove kept busy??? Yeah, I think it is....but I have not seen any stats about SEC versus B-10 kids admitted into football programs that supports a higher over-all academic strength by the Big-10. Again, if might be true, but you saying the SEC takes a bunch of kids that do not qualify meant - to me - kids accepted. THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT DAMMIT - ADMIT IT!!!
If you now are crawfishing the intent of your prior comment to the signed-but-not-qualified issue, I will retire in victory and drink alcohol.

OK. I'm going to retire and drink alcohol whatever happens. :tongue2:
(Actually, I thought you were talking about them flunking out after being admitted at first, but I see what you meant. As I do not see many teams chronically short on scholly numbers, I don't think it is an on-going problem, but it would be interesting to see the number of juco factories breadown for the various conferences)