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With the 195th pick, Miami selects...

Kory Lichtensteiger C BGSU


Indy's on the clock...
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Well it might be time to start the nomination process for the Giants. They have 2 picks in a row. Their owner harrydangler has done a great job of filling all of the glaring needs for the Giants. At this point the only weakness I see is at WR. Giants WR's are getting old and other than Plexiglass are not stellar. Steve Johnson WR, Kentucky may be the best available WR.

The 2nd nomination might just piss a lot of people off but it seems like a heck of a pick at this stage in the draft. Giants signed David Carr to be a backup to Manning. I say we nominate a forgotten star, Dennis Dixon QB, Oregon.
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Buckeyedynasty;1140442; said:
Well it might be time to start the nomination process for the Giants. They have 2 picks in a row. Their owner harrydangler has done a great job of filling all of the glaring needs for the Giants. At this point the only weakness I see is at WR. Giants WR's are getting old and other than Plexiglass are not stellar. Steve Johnson WR, Kentucky may be the best available WR.

The 2nd nomination might just piss a lot of people off but it seems like a heck of a pick at this stage in the draft. Giants signed David Carr to be a backup to Manning. I say we nominate a forgotten star, Dennis Dixon QB, Oregon.

seconds on both
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The latest in a rich tradition of Wolverine killers sporting #10...​
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oBOZq9uHR0]YouTube - Dennis Dixon for Heisman (Prior to ACL injury)[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Xl27-K7Vg]YouTube - Dennis Dixon -- Heisman Hopeful[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCBueD1ZJVM]YouTube - Dennis Dixon prepares[/ame]
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