JWil, no need for piling on by us Bucks. I was one that called you out for not giving Zwick more respect in your very fine write-up on our O. Of course, that was merely my opinion, based upon our team much earlier in the season, where Zwick had little time to show any passing skills. How things change.
IMHO, it think Oklahoma State was a bit taken aback by our D's speed, while our offensive game plan proved to be effective. The reason Coach Miles and staff didn't run your premier back more often is because he wasn't very effective on the inside against our defense.
Another observation leading to your "drubbing": I really never saw any game spirit by Oklahoma State.
Thanks for your interest and the very good blogs going into the contest.
IMHO, it think Oklahoma State was a bit taken aback by our D's speed, while our offensive game plan proved to be effective. The reason Coach Miles and staff didn't run your premier back more often is because he wasn't very effective on the inside against our defense.
Another observation leading to your "drubbing": I really never saw any game spirit by Oklahoma State.
Thanks for your interest and the very good blogs going into the contest.