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Search results

  1. Michigan's real nemesis - Troy or Tressel?

    Thanks guys - I've been impressed with the quality of the posts/discussion on this thread....it's progressed very productively....great stuff! especially given the key point that was highlighted: Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this...
  2. What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?

    Lou Holtz' preseason picks just released: 1) Notre Dame 2) Anyone that might come close to beating Notre Dame 3) Rudy 4) South Carolina 5) Minnesota
  3. What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?

    No LSU?....are you assuming Russell is gone?...cause we know they're gonna thrash ND right :)
  4. What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?

    I'm guessing: 1) Winner of Rose Bowl 2) Loser of Rose Bowl 3) LSU (if Russell stays) 4) Florida (assuming they just lose and don't get absolutely thrashed in NC) 5) OSU or Texas or OU or maybe Louisville/West Virginia (pollsters won't have learned their lessen yet?)....not sure about #5...
  5. The Rematch/No Rematch Thread

    Which will/would be closer OSU-UF round I or OSU-UM round II? OK guys question....which game will/would be closer OSU-UF round I or OSU-UM round II? The bantering between the intelligent, rational Buckeyes and the clearly delusional, swamp gas inhaling Gators has been classic The Gators...
  6. Michigan's real nemesis - Troy or Tressel?

    Well....seems like the consensus among everyone is Tressel....maybe you're right guys....maybe Tressel will continue on and dominate Lloyd like Lloyd did to Coop....man we miss him ....but I don't know....I basically agree with Zincfinger....all I'm saying is there's clearly a huge, very unique...
  7. Michigan's real nemesis - Troy or Tressel?

    OK I hear ya guys...and JT may very well be the right answer....but as I said to my brother....lemme ask you this....which TSUN team do you think would have had the better shot in the Shoe this year: Carr coached Michigan with Troy at QB vs Tressel coached OSU (without Troy) or Tressel...
  8. Michigan's real nemesis - Troy or Tressel?

    OK guys....since I can tell you're already sickened by the Florida swamp gas on your site :)....and since 50 days is plenty of time to talk about some other worthy topics besides The Gator's pity entry into the NC....I thought I'd get in a quick Michigan topic if that's alright? ....I've got an...
  9. Best conference (Merged All)

    SEC the best conference?....then prove it! :-) Here's some data I looked up that I'll throw out here to you guys....it just seems very interesting to me the way the SEC always claims they're number one and/or complains about being left out of the big game at the end of the year (as happened to...
  10. Just a Reminder...

    A post and message about respect and over-confidence that has lots of merit and relevance OSUgrad in any big game, let alone a National Championship....that said, I do think you guys'll beat the Gators waaaaaay worse than you beat us (TSUN) :)
  11. CONGRATULATIONS and GO BUCKS from a Wolverine! :-)

    Hello Buckeye nation....congrats on a fantastic year!!....you guys are an outstanding football team!!...just outstanding!!....one of the best offenses in recent history...and Troy Smith is absolutely unbelievable!!....over 1000 yds!! now in 3 wins against my beloved Michigan!...just...