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Search results

  1. Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

    This game is always up in the air regardless of how bad-ass either team is. I think we just have a coach that has Carr's number.:osu:
  2. BCS Games

    As long as Brent Musberger doesn't call the Ohio State game, does it matter?
  3. Your Buckeye Game Record

    Iraq The pics in front of the palace were real, but 95% of the one's with kids holding the signs were edited. Real or not, who cares, right?:gobucks1: :gobucks2:
  4. Your Buckeye Game Record

    I am either insane/stupid/crazy. First of all, if you have tickets to ANY Buckeyes game and don't/can't go, let me say this. First, don't ever give/share/rent/work drug deal to any idiot from the team up north, EVER. Secondly, I have been a loyal Buckeyes fan since 1977 (birth) and have never...