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Search results

  1. Have 2 tix for Washington

    Section 33 Row H... You will be actually sitting next to me and my friend. PM me for info.
  2. Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

    Videos, Photos, and analysis of michigan debacle Via my blog. Come enjoy poking fun of the Wolverines. Appalachian State= Greatest College Football Upset of All Time ? Koo’s Corner
  3. Have 1 Ohio State Michigan Ticket

    So I bought 4 singles for the game for me and my friends but 1 has flaked. The ticket is in 2c row 23 and is general admission. I think its a great seat for real football fans as the view is basically the gamefilm view that teams study. PM me with offers. Not trying to make money as I bought the...
  4. SOLD: 1 tOSU-scUM ticket for sale

    thats not true for bowl games. You go, get the tickets. They dont say student or anything.
  5. QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

    TROY SMITH AND 11/18 I posted this on Bucknuts also and spent my morning on work writing this. I hope you enjoy it. 11/18/2006 will be one of biggest days in college football history. There is no doubt about this. This epic showdown of undefeated arch rivals has been and will be hyped as one...
  6. Need: 2 Michigan Tickets

    This is a great forum to have. Looking for any 2 seats they dont even have to be together just in the shoe. In fact if you have 3 or 1 I would be interested. Since my freshmen year I have gone to every osu vs michigan game regardless of where it was and have sworn to do so until the day...