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  1. Where does this win rank?

    beating one of the best defenses [minus 1/2 of the starting secondary] in the country while doing so... :gobucks1::gobucks2:
  2. Where does this win rank?

    last night's game was boring. overhyped texas team that'll be lucky to win 10 games. ABC did a great job of hyping this one up.
  3. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    sigh... Fires set at Ohio St. after football win COLUMBUS, Ohio - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night...