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  1. Sonny42

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hey all, I registered years ago, but never post. just thought I'd drop a line.
  2. Sonny42

    New Authentic Jerseys on sale!!

    Back to the matter at hand Anyway, back to the jerseys. The numbers do in fact appear to be on the shoulder. is cardboard heros selling some elaborate hoax or has the throngs of buckeye fans' voices echoes through to nikes cash stuffed ears?
  3. Sonny42

    New Authentic Jerseys on sale!!

    But... They might be mistaken for georgia or wisconsin or whatever, but their records will not be the same.
  4. Sonny42

    Do you like the new jerseys?

    love the new jerseys I love the new jerseys. its classic, simple and with the pants and helmet, look NOTHING like wisconsin or Nebraska. Also tedd Ginn looks pretty much the same scarlet blur if he is in the old jerseys or the new.