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Search results

  1. 2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

    1st USA Today Preseason Coaches Poll 1. Georgia (22) 2. USC (14) 3. Ohio State (14) 4. Oklahoma (3) 5. Florida (5) 6. LSU (3) 7. Missouri 8. West Virginia 9. Clemson 10. Texas 11. Auburn 12. Wisconsin 13. Kansas 14. Texas Tech 15. Virginia Tech 16. Arizona...
  2. Single Game Football Tickets Tips

    Thank you for the quick response. I was actually thinking about camping out tonight. (To me, that is part of the fun). I just don't want to be out there with a bunch of scalpers instead of fans. I was hoping to buy 4 tix and sell two to cover the cost of the tix. (Still on a student's budget)
  3. Single Game Football Tickets Tips

    I have a couple of questions (Sorry if they are Noob questions, I have only been to games when i was a student). 1. Is the ticket office CASH ONLY or can I charge the tickets? 2. How much are the tickets? (So, I know how much to take out if it is cash only) 3. Where exactly do I wait. Here is...

    First off, awesome pictures. I wish I could afford to buy them all. This maybe a stupid question or maybe I missed it in an above post, but what size are the 5 for $30 pics? thad.