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Search results

  1. Yankee_In_TX

    Groomsmen Gifts

    My buddy (in '03) got us all signed Nugent mini-helmets. They rocked!
  2. Yankee_In_TX

    True Fans.

    Poo, there were no autographs in San Antonio, expcept before the UT game, the guys accidentally sat in the wrong seats and a few lucky fans got programs signed before security moved the guys.
  3. Yankee_In_TX

    Any fans of The Shield?

    I am pumped for tonight. I was SO ticked off when Shane tossed that grenade. I seriously yelled at my TV :)
  4. Yankee_In_TX

    How is your alumni club...?

    Houston is pretty blessed. It helps we don't get the games on normal TV. My parents live in Dayton and have gone to the occassional "watch party" only to find no Bucks in the "official" bar. For Michigan we have 300+ people show up. Of course, when we play teams like BG we only have 40 or...
  5. Yankee_In_TX

    Buy icons?

    Thanks, I completely missed that link, it looked like a menu title to me :)
  6. Yankee_In_TX

    Buy icons?

    I don't use this forum all that much, can you spend points to buy icons? If so, I can't find the link to the store. Thanks in advance!
  7. Yankee_In_TX

    My San Antonio Trip

    Thought I'd share some of my pictures :) I lucked into some row 2 tickets and convinced my dad to fly down from Ohio (I live in Houston). Thursday Saturday
  8. Yankee_In_TX

    WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

    So we'll never know what happened? http://www.dispatch.com/football/football.php?story=dispatch/2007/01/09/20070109-W6-00.html
  9. Yankee_In_TX

    Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

    Brady Quinn is closing the gap. Being idle may hurt us here. Make sure you keep voting. Troy SmithQBOhio State1966103 Votes 35 %Brady QuinnQBNotre Dame1881894 Votes 33 %
  10. Yankee_In_TX

    Ohio Lottery pick 4 numbers 4-2-3-9

    FREAKISH, I heard it on SC and had to google it to believe it!
  11. Yankee_In_TX

    Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

    Keep voting guys, Slaton is trying to creep up on Troy! (and to the guy who said this is lame, it's how Nissan is casting its vote for Heisman!)
  12. Yankee_In_TX

    Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

    I hate to bump, but VOTE! Troy Smith QB Ohio State 1775 Votes 45 % Chris Leak QB Florida 1023 Votes 26 % Steve Slaton RB West Virginia 274 Votes 7 % Adrian Peterson RB Oklahoma 99 Votes 3 % Brady Quinn QB Notre Dame 166 Votes 4 % Calvin Johnson WR Georgia Tech 148 Votes 4 % Garrett Wolfe...
  13. Yankee_In_TX

    Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

    !!!!!! I just figured that out last night :osu:
  14. Yankee_In_TX

    How Often Does Admin Update...?

    Specifically such that threads will refresh with signatures? (just trying to promote the Houston Alumni Club's new message board, and since I started the Troy Smith voting thread a lot of people will see my profile!) Thanks, Ryan
  15. Yankee_In_TX

    Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

    I thought this deserved a sperate thread (lest it gets lost in the Smith or Heisman mega threads!). Go vote, Troy is in 4th! VOTE HERE! YOU CAN VOTE ONCE PER WEEK!
  16. Yankee_In_TX

    First OSU alumni forum launched

    (sorry if this belongs in open topic!) The Ohio State Alumni Club of Houston has just launched the first Alumni Club run forums! Thought this may be a good place to advertise for it. Though it has a forum geared towards the Houston Club, we're hoping to bring alumni in US-wide, and get some...
  17. Yankee_In_TX

    S Mike Doss (3x All B1G, 3x 1st Team All-American, National Champion, OSU HOF, CFB HOF)

    Though this may be the wrong forum, I felt the thread demanded posting! http://rdoveosu.blogspot.com/2005/10/mike-doss-class-act.html (no one in Texas appreciates this)