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Search results

  1. Question about the Rose Bowl?????

    If tOSU wins today and god for bid would lose next week, why would Michigan get the Rose Bowl bid considering they went last year and we will still have the better overall record? :gobucks1:
  2. Big Ten Network (BTN)

    Big Ten Network Coverage Quick question for anyone who can answer it. Is there a Big Ten Network coverage map or are the games this weekend just broken up by state? I live in Toledo and would be furious if we get stuck with the Michigan game because we are closer to Ann Arbor than Columbus...
  3. WR Roy Hall (Official Thread)

    Whats up with Roy Hall? Maybe Im stupid and totally missed something, but why did Roy Hall not play at all yesterday. Is he hurt? I didnt think I read anything about him being hurt or in trouble.
  4. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    Actually the 2002 Defense finished the year with a defensive ranking of 23rd, where as last years defense finished 5th. Im not saying that last years defense was better than 2002, but the margain was not as great as your making it out to be. The linebackers were better last year, but the 2002...
  5. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Girls comment on whether or not they like the uniforms, men worry about the performance of the team wearing them. When its game time your not even going to notice the uniforms.
  6. Buckeye Fact or Fiction '06 Edition Pt.2

    1. Ohio State will have a 1000+ yard reciever. 2. Troy Smith will rush 500+ yards. 3. The 12 game schedule is only a plus for the Buckeyes. 4. The defensive line will finish the year a stronger unit than last years. 5. Pittman will reach 1500+ yards. 1. Fact- Ted Ginn showed his...