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Search results

  1. Which Notre Dame win was best for you?

    my favorite by far was this past fiesta bowl. i watched it with my friend (notre dame fan) and all i heard the previous two weeks was notre dame was back. he would tear tOSU down with views that our offense wasn't nething that notre dame hadnt seen and that our defense rly wasnt nething special...
  2. 2006 Breakout/Surprise Players

    offense: i think roy hall because his size will cause big advantages for the passing attack. i see teddy being our speed. gonzo being our hands. and roy being our red zone weapon. defense: i think it will be one of the linesbackers. i think the most likely will be d'andrea (bar injury)...
  3. Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    hello buckeye planet. im new to here. i have been a buckeye since the day i was born.:D can't wait to discuss our buckeyes with u guys. GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!