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Search results

  1. proudof57

    Looking for 2/4 tickets OSU MINNESOTA

    I am looking for 2/4 tickets for the Minnesota game. Please PM. I am surprising my mom from Dallas with an OSU home game experience. She has never been to a game and shes a true fan thanks:gobucks1: :gobucks2:
  2. proudof57

    NEED: 2 or 4 to tOSU-Minnesota

    Hi Im looking for either two sets of 2 or 4 tickets for OSU Minnesota. Please pm me. Thanks Wendy:gobucks1: :gobucks2:
  3. proudof57

    need minnesoa tickets

    LOkking for tickets 2 or 4 for MInnesota. Thanks WEndy
  4. proudof57

    NEED 3/4 mich state tickets

    LOoking for 3/4 tickets for mich state. :gobucks1: :gobucks2:
  5. proudof57

    HAVE: 1 Iowa ticket

    ticket? Do you still have ticket and how much? Wendy:osu:
  6. proudof57


    I am looking for 1 ticket, would love section 110 around row 25-35 or anything .:gobucks1: :gobucks2: let me know! Wendy
  7. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    Happy belated birthday Mike Are you ready for your steak dinner? We are sure proud of the results you had at the combines. Everyone is proud of your dedication.:gobucks1: :gobucks2:
  8. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    in response to kudla jerseys I am really wanting a couple jerseys/shirts of 57. If anyone has suggestions, please speak up. I loves the story about the tatoo wonder if its mom or aunt? Thats great Bet its a buckeye:D
  9. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    jersey Does anyone know where I `can get a Kudla jersey?:osu: :osu:
  10. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    Hula Bowl? Hey I heard Mike is going to the Hula Bowl? fact or ficton:osu:
  11. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    I am not mikes Dad, we are just friends, and huge fans
  12. proudof57

    DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

    What a season to be proud of 57 We can not be more proud of the memories of watching Mike in a Buckeye Uniform. :gobucks1: :gobucks2: Mikes work ethic and overall drive should be bottled and given to every incoming OSU football player:osu: . Proud of 57