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Search results

  1. OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

    Thats very odd, Im not that far north of you in San Angelo and all I hear here is about how Texas should have beat the crap outta us this year, and when (yes, they say WHEN) Texas plays us this year in the NC game they will beat the crap out of us. There are by my count 9 sports apparel stores...
  2. tOSU Linebackers History (Merged)

    Has anyone considered the possibility of Kerr playing the Sam? Is that not the position he played at Indiana? Maybe Im wrong here but I swear it was. And he was pretty good there. That being said, if we land Grant, I think there is no chance Animal Jr. gets the start, it will be Grant, and...
  3. God I hate Texas fans!

    As I have said before, I live down here in Texas, and I think Im gonna shoot the next complete homer Texas fan I meet. At work today I got to listen to 3 Texas fans tell me all about how Texas's D is 10 times better than tOSU. Then about how thier WR corp is better than ours, and then get...
  4. Go Horns

    Im on the other side of the fence from all of you guys, I guess because I live in Texas and all I hear from Texas fans is how they destroyed us, whooped us, dismantled us....pfft, you didnt dismantle anything, you won the game, thats it, that game coulda gone either way very easily. Then add on...
  5. Greetings, I hate scUM and other random stuff

    Hi guys, just stumbled on this website a couple days ago, Im so excited, a place to go to talk Buckeye football!! Thought I would introduce myself and give a little background since Im not a typical tOSU fan. I live in Texas....too damn close to Austin for my own comfort, I despise...