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  1. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    It was one hell of game and everything I hoped it would be. Our offense really got conservative in the second half that didnt really give a chance for OSU to make a big turnover. Just curious who you guys play next week cuz i feel real bad for them.
  2. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    Wow amazing I didnt think Id ever see you guys go crazy over this loss. You guys still have a great team. Why cant you just fess up and realize this was a great defensive game and they made the offenses look bad. And as far as the refs hosing you guys, thats BS, we made the big plays and the...
  3. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    LOL Im pure scUM. Alright I know when to leave when Im not wanted:) Saturday night @ the Beav will be rocking!!
  4. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    Hey I know coming on this board as a PSU fan I am going to get some flack from you guys. Maybe i shouldnt have said insults but sure as heck didnt get a warm welcome for trying to give props to your team. I was pointing out in my first post not to be overconfident that was it. No smack talking...
  5. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    LOL, You know what's funny is all the OSU fans come on our board and say how they just want to make sensible posts and get ripped on. I come here to show respect for your team and get blasted with insults. We'll see who has the last laugh after Saturday night :)
  6. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    buckeyenation27, Look I know OSU is a great team and I said nothing to the effect that we were going to win let alone dominate the game, I was stating that PSU is not just going to lay down and have OSU run all over them like many of you are saying. As a PSU fan this is the game we need to win...
  7. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    You know I've noticed the same things that Minny fans were saying on their boards about what they would do to Penn State are a lot like what you Buck fans are saying. Now I know that OSU is much better than Minny and OSU will be our best test this year, but my point is they got a little too...