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  1. 2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

    I will do next time, my bad
  2. DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

    Great Response :cheers:
  3. 2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

    Are you saying that because Ohio State used "ineligible players" that you would rather lose with players from a team that follows the NCAA rules? Can I get that pic of an OWl saying, "Orly!" Athletic director Bill Martin said he didn't know whether penalties, if any, might include forfeiture...
  4. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    1. Last second field goal win for MSU: 2008 http://espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=283060127 2. We beat them and they went to the Rose Bowl over us: 2010 http://espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=302750127 3. We lost at Wisconsin by single digits: 2009...
  5. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    Stay out of the conversation. Michigan State: Hey, the Spartans did beat Wisconsin Michigan State beat Wisconsin, which beat Ohio State, which didn't play Michigan State. Michigan State's Sparty Gregory Shamus "If we were playing tic-tac-toe, we'd be going (to the Rose Bowl),"...
  6. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    "What a terrific argument. Using basketball rivalries in a thread about football." My response to your MSU and Wissy are not football rivals http://www.foxsportsdetroit.com/12/13/10/Freeway-billboards-tout-Spartans-Rose-Bo/landing.html?blockID=372417
  7. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    Tom Izzo still hasn't gotten over Alando Tucker's dunk that finished off Wisconsin's 64-53 win over Michigan State at the Kohl Center in 2003. Izzo told reporters in Michigan this week that it bothers him that Wisconsin has a winning record against his team since Bo Ryan took over the program...
  8. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    Michigan "USED" to be MSU's largest rivalry but U of M has not been relevant in football for years now and they suck in basketball. Michigan State fans who actually graduated from the university ignore the WalMart Wolverines for the trolls that they are. Just read the articles and Message...
  9. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    True MSU fans consider Wisconsin (Wissy) their true rivals. The only fan base obsessed with scUM is the scUM fan base itself. The only reason you believe the above statement is because of WalMart Wolverine fans calling in to 97.1 FM (Detroit) and arguing with Mike Valenti. Proof from MSU's...
  10. DE Se'Von Pittman (transfer to Akron)

    Oh really......... http://www.detnews.com/article/20110622/SPORTS0201/106220414/1131/sports0201/Report--Kyle-Kalis-thinks-Chris-Wormley-is-headed-to-Michigan Don't be a hater, MSU got him fair and square
  11. 2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

    Ohio State fans shouldn't compare themselves to Big Ten bottom feeders like Michigan. Ohio State actually has won Big Ten titles the last 6 years. I did not come here to "stir things up" but to inform OSU fans in OH that U of M fans think they are "Good" now, when they haven't done ANYTHING...
  12. 2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

    You bring up another point. Up here in the State of Michigan, the (scUM fans) brought up the Jim Tressel rally and they mentioned the part where he said that they will beat Michigan this season. Their fan base is so delusional that they think OSU, MSU, ND, etc. are obsessed with them. They...
  13. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    The news and Michigan called it grayshirting, I am just the messenger. You are missing the whole point. Here in the State of Michigan, scUM fans are laughing at OSU and claiming multiple victories in recruiting over OSU. It is time that OSU fans fight back and defend themselves against U of M...
  14. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    My point is that Michigan fans think that their school is "above" the practices of SEC schools, when they themselves are doing the same thing as them. Them grayshirting a player is hypocrital because they in the past have always "looked down" at these "SEC schools" practices.
  15. How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

    Choices: Alabama, LSU, Michigan, Ohio State, Michigan State, Oregon, or Auburn (school) appeared content to wait for Wilson?s decision, but an appearance by Madisonville (Ky.) North Hopkins safety Jeremy Clark at the school's summer camp last week gave the (school) a very competent fall back...