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  1. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    That's crap because the odd's go down that the best team is left out the more teams added to a playoff. See statistics 101. Right now we have 2 teams square off. Not very good.
  2. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Please see the definition of champion I provided above. We are done. Thanks for playing.
  3. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Please click this link....please. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/champion What's your answer now chump? "A person who has defeated ALL opponents in a competition." Hmmmmm. Interesting.
  4. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    I never said Orgeon and Auburn were illegitimate you freaking monkey. I said that we will never know if they are a true champ simply by the merrits of their regular season and the results of ONE game. *** yes , I am editing and adding on here. I would love to debate you in front of an audience...
  5. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    If you mean that you want me to break down each year and then get into each record of each team, you are nuts. Champions in every major sport in the US spend their regular season earning the right to duke it out with their peirs in a playoff. The playoff does one thing - it gives a certain...
  6. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    nice.....going global now huh? unreal. absolutely amazing.
  7. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    It matters because the current system says one team is the best. If the current system didn't do that I would have no problem with it. The current system makes about as much sense as being "kind of pregnant." You either are or you are not. We crown a champ without due process. How can you...
  8. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Umm, ok. 1. TCU is undefeated and beats conference champion Wisky who EVERYONE was saying were one of the hottest teams in the country to close out the regular season. If there was an 8 team playoff, Wisky would have been there and TCU would have moved on to have a shot at the title. The...
  9. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    New direction to this thread: Lay claim to why the current system or the pre-BCS system could logically claim a national champ.
  10. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    WHAT??? He said no thanks to wanting a playoff system. I replied that he couldn't in good logic claim a national champion. Defend that please.
  11. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Then don't claim any, ANY team as the national champ. If you don't want a playoff then don't claim a national champion. Tell me any other major sport in college or pro that determines a champion without some sort of playoff system. Why is college football so special? M O N E Y. That's it...
  12. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    or his silence admits the obvious.
  13. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    So, let me get this straight. You are a mod right? And you can comment on this thread about playoff, other teams schedule stregth, etc? Hmmm....I see how flexible the rules are.
  14. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Yeah, I am not a fan because I trash Gee's comments? Kind of like Jefferson, Washington, and Adams were not a fan of America because they didn't feel Englands policies were fair. I love tOSU dearly and it's because of this love that I am embarrassed by Gee's comments. It protects the cartel...
  15. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Thanks for admiting it. As for the Pac 12, Big 10, and Rose Bowl not wanting a playoff system......well duh. That's what I meant by protectionism. It is not in the best interest of the sport IF said sport declares a national champion. I have no problem going back to the old system, but just...
  16. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    So, I didn't comment in the right forum? You just don't like the direction it's going so you tell me to take it to a different forum. Gimme a break. How convenient.
  17. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    It's about validating Gee's opinions. Why doesn't it belong? I'll meet anyone over on the other thread that feels this is a defendable position but before I leave Gee's thread, let me say again that his comments about "Little Sisters of the Poor" were clearly wrong. He even admited it...
  18. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    You didn't answer the question. You would feal the same way if tOSU were TCU this year or Auburn a few years ago? Save the fancy ad nauseum verbage and answer the freaking question.
  19. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    So, you really think we have a legitimate system for saying who is the best team and crowning them champion? And if tOSU was in the position of TCU this year undefeated or Auburn undefeated a few years ago you would defer to the team hoisting the crystal ball as being the best? Gimme a break...
  20. Regular Joe

    College Playoff

    Yes it does....along with the New Years Day massacre of the Big 10. Gee called playing in the Big 10 "murderers row" but the only one that got murdered New Years Day is the Big 10. That along with the obvious protectionism of the BCS cartel more than qualifies Gee's comments as wrong. In fact...