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Search results

  1. Has anyone started an Arkansas look-a-like thread yet?

    Don't get riled up. They just plug them into a website that gives you look alikes then pick the funniest ones. As it goes, I think our QB mallet looks like the russian guy from rocky 4.
  2. Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

    Thanks. It seems to be a point of pride to get some sort of cultural reference with something pig related. We work at it:) LSU has the best secondary we have seen. Very fast and skilled. Have you seen much of them? Would you say that OSU is at that level? On the other side, How are your WR's...
  3. Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

    Hog fan, Hope Im in the right place... Hey, There are way to many weeks between the last game of the season and the bowl game and in that time I would like to learn more about the buckeyes. I must say I don't know much about the buckeyes except what I see from seeing a few of your games this...