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Search results

  1. Ken Whisenhunt

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    We were thrilled to find Hakeem on the board still, and felt we had to make an agressive move to grab him. He really fits the Anquan Boldin mold of being a great possesion reciever. Things are pretty far apart with Anquan, and I'm not optomistic. We refuse to lose momentum from last season...
  2. Ken Whisenhunt

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    We really gave this pick some thought. We wanted the best player on the board that could improve our squad, and Lesean fit that bill. Tim is great in short yard situations and Lesean will pair well with him with his break away ability. Really the thing that sold us on Lesean was his ability to...
  3. Ken Whisenhunt

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    We were ecstaic to find Brian available, didn't feel he would be on the board at this point. He's a tackling machine that can play OLB opposite Karlos, or get down into a 3 point across from Antonio Smith. We showed some good ability in the playoffs to attack the opposing QB, but need to find...