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  1. Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

    Great late drive to tie it up. A lot of energy in the shoe. I have to believe we have a slight momentum advantage at this point. Lets open it up, establish the run and hand out some stiffarms:osu:
  2. Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

    Is Tressel wearin the vest?
  3. Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

    Can only watch the gamecast on the net, but seems like clark is giving us some trouble...
  4. Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

    Agreed, haven't seen it all year though, reading the D and making adjustments
  5. Game Thread Ohio State 34, Minnesota 21 (Sep. 27)

    Thanks, knew I should have taken the spread:D
  6. Game Thread Ohio State 34, Minnesota 21 (Sep. 27)

    I had to leave at half, up to that point Beanie was running good but looked to go to the sidelines often for evaluations, hows he looking in the 2nd half?
  7. USC vs. OSU: A fun Idea for a Prediction Thread

    Why OSU will win: Beanie is healthy (and stays that way). JT open up the playbook and gets TP involved enough to keep USC defense honest. Why OSU will lose: Beanie is not 100% and the game is placed in Boeckman's hands. Todd is a mediocre quarterback but does not have the speed or decision...