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Search results

  1. MAYBuckeye12

    Indians Tidbits (2008 season)

    We're not moving Grady from CF. . . He's a gold glover. He's destined for the 3 hole in the batting order, though. That's if Crowe can step into the lead-off role or we find someone in free agency who can. Loved that Dodgers trade, though. Meloan was a filthy reliever for them until they...
  2. MAYBuckeye12

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    What up BP forum? I first found this site a while ago while scouring the internet for my daily Terrelle Pryor update. Then you locked the thread. . . Anyway, since I'm an incoming freshman at The Ohio State University, I decided to come back and register. Livin in Shaker Heights for another...