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Search results

  1. DL Nader Abdallah (official thread)

    At Least He Got a Sack!!! Ohio State's Nader Abdallah celebrates after sacking LSU quarterback Matt Flynn in the first quarter of the BCS National Championship Game at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana, Monday, January 7, 2008. Mike Cardew / Akron Beacon Journal/MCT
  2. Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

    Nader Abdallah rated 2nd to 3rd Round Pick Nader Abdallah will be a 2 yr starter by the end of next year. His great size and athleticism has him rated among the top 10 seniors at his position (12 when you consider juniors) and a second to third round pick. See Link: WalterFootball.com: 2009...